9th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture 2024

The 9th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture is coming to South Africa! We extend a special invitation to South Africa's leading conservation and regenerative agriculture farmers to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.


Discover Conservation Agriculture’s Potential

While Conservation Agriculture is key to combatting climate change and bolstering carbon sequestration, we're dedicated to elevating its adoption, particularly in Africa. The 9th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture promises to provide actionable solutions through global research, international best practices, and industry insights. We aim to boost the embrace of conservation agriculture by addressing crucial aspects like soil health quantification, livestock integration, nutrient management, soil acidification, and scaling strategies.


Hosted by Leading Organisations

Presented by the Western Cape Department of Agriculture, in collaboration with the African Conservation Tillage Network, Landbouweekblad, African Farming Magazine, and Conservation Agriculture Western Cape, this event is a unique opportunity for farmers, researchers, academics and conservation agriculture enthusiasts.


Keynote speakers include…


  • Rick Clark, a non-GMO and organic grower from Warren County, Indiana, USA
  • Prof Ken Flower, Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative, University of Western Australia, Perth
  • Dr Theodor Friedrich, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (retired), Switzerland
  • Saidi Mkomwa, African Conservation Tillage Network, Kenya
  • Prof Karin Jacobs, Department of Microbiology, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
  • Dr Ida de Carvalho Mendes, Embrapa Cerrados Research Centre, Brazil


South African Farmers include…

The Congress has a community-of-practice approach, offering you the chance to engage with and learn from South African farmers as well.


  • Danie Slabbert, Reitz (Free State)
  • Cobus van Coller, Viljoenskroon (Free State)
  • Egon Zunckel, Bergville (KwaZulu-Natal)
  • DF Fyfer, Louwna (North West)
  • Cobus Bester, Moorreesburg (Western Cape)
  • Jacobus Human, Heidelberg (Western Cape)
  • Danie Bester, Balfour (Mpumalanga)


Theme: Enhancing Agricultural Resilience

Our central theme revolves around strengthening the impact and scalability of conservation agriculture, ensuring a sustainable future for our planet.


Save the Date

Congress dates: 22-25 July 2024

Lecture days: 22-24 July 2024

Gala event: 24 July 2024

Practical day: 25 July 2024


Where It All Happens

Venue: Cape Town International Convention Centre

Practical Day Venue: The Western Cape Department of Agriculture's Langgewens Research Farm, situated between Malmesbury and Moorreesburg in the Swartland.


Explore the Heartland of Conservation Agriculture

Cape Town, one of the world's most scenic cities, is the heart of South African conservation agriculture. The Western Cape boasts the highest adoption rate of conservation agriculture in the country. As a popular international tourist destination, it's the perfect backdrop to showcase the pioneering work of CA and regenerative farmers and researchers.


Call for abstracts

You also get an opportunity to share your knowledge with the conference. We invite submissions for oral and poster presentations on the following sub-themes.

  • Examples of successful CA adoption and learnings from conservation agriculture efforts worldwide.
  • Farm- and ecosystem-level benefits that CA systems offer farmers, society and the environment.
  • Mainstreaming of CA with national policy and institutional support for scaling the adoption of conservation agriculture up and out.
  • Promoting CA-based knowledge and innovation systems and information sharing and communication.


See the attached guidelines and an example.

Submission deadline: 31 January 2023


For more information visit our official website: https://wcca9.org/


Don't miss the chance to be part of this ground-breaking event in the Mother City!


#WCCA9 #ConservationAgriculture #FutureFarming #SouthAfrica